B2B marketers agree that lead generation and nurturing campaigns must deliver relevant content to their target audience to be successful. Typically, that means understanding the prospect’s pain and then offering a solution for relief.
Sounds simple, right? But not easy to execute because there usually is a disconnect between what your prospect wants to hear and what you want to say about your company and its products and services.
The problem becomes more acute for the industrial sector because the industrial buy cycle can be a long and complex process that often involves multiple decision makers. Without a clear understanding of the stages, it is difficult to align your marketing content with your customer’s decision-making process.
I downloaded a white paper called “Understanding the Industrial Buy Cycle: How to Align Your Marketing with Your Customers’ Buying Process” from GlobalSpec that has done a very good job of explaining the four stages of the industrial buy cycle and how to match your marketing content to each stage.
The white paper has deconstructed the complex industrial buy cycle into four distinct stages that the buyer systematically goes through. The stages are:
The white paper then goes on to explain how industrial marketers must match their marketing content to the buyer’s stage in the buy cycle. The recommendations are based on the results of a survey of engineering, technical, manufacturing and industrial professionals who have influence on their company’s processes for buying products and services. In short, this is good, practical and actionable stuff and not some marketing theory.
Here are some stats, results and recommendations that I found very useful:
This 28-page white paper is chock full of useful information for aligning your marketing content with the industrial buy cycle. There are plenty of charts and graphs too. You can download it from here (does require registration).
Have you read it, If so what did you think?
Industrial Marketing Today is an integral part of Tiecas, Inc., a Houston-based industrial marketing agency. We’ve been in business since 1987, serving the marketing needs of manufacturers, distributors, and engineering companies from various industries.