Unless you’ve been on a very long sabbatical from industrial and manufacturing marketing, you very well know that your website should be the hub of your online marketing.
Why should you care about your company’s website? Probably the best reason I’ve read is by Linda Rigano, Executive Director of Strategic Services at ThomasNet. She said,
“Treat your website as if you were hiring a six-figure salesperson. If you were going to put them on the street, what would you do? You’d arm them with information about the marketplace. You’d arm them with information about your products and how people use them. Then you’d put that person in front of the audience and check with them.”
The chart below shows how engineers and industrial buyers use the Internet in work-related purchases (Source: 2010 GlobalSpec Industrial Buy Cycle Survey). The use of supplier websites is at number two, second only to search engines.
If you need more empirical proof, then look at the recent study done by GlobalSpec, Trends in Industrial Marketing 2010: How Manufacturers are Marketing Today.
Current state of manufacturing marketing
While there were no major surprises or new revelations in the GlobalSpec study, it is worthwhile repeating that the main focus of manufacturing marketing today is on online initiatives. Manufacturers and industrial companies have now realized that the vast majority of their target audience is online during a major portion of the buying cycle.
Other highlights from the study include:
Despite all this indisputable evidence, a large number of industrial and manufacturing websites are nothing more than online brochures or to be brutally honest, glorified digital business cards. A lot of them are still stuck in the mode of “build it and they’ll come.” Sorry, but that is just not going to cut it anymore with today’s Internet savvy engineers and technical buyers.
Common problems with industrial websites
I see many problems that seem to be common to many industrial websites either created by in-house people and/or professional web designers. The sad truth is that most of these problems can be easily fixed without spending too much money and could produce dramatic results from your website. These include:
How to improve the performance of your company’s website
Read my previous post 5 Things Industrial Marketers Must Do to Attract Engineers and Turn Them into Loyal Customers for more specifics on how to fix some of these common problems with industrial websites.
Industrial Marketing Today is an integral part of Tiecas, Inc., a Houston-based industrial marketing agency. We’ve been in business since 1987, serving the marketing needs of manufacturers, distributors, and engineering companies from various industries.